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Chance of hitting the bonus wheel?


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I got it once... only to be left in worse shape at 100x...rather than the 137.5x or 205x..... 


Greedy ass games

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I have hit it 1 time when it 1st came out won 1500 doge... i would say 0.06%

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I've never hit it, and look at my wagered amounts on Cave, with multiple different currencies. At 100x,200x, and 500x

But Best of Luck to you

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have it .a dozen times. 500% 4 of the 12 times. 3-400% is where wheel hits most time. 100%  say 50 out of 12. 


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  • 1 year later...

I've hit it many times. Different bet amounts as well. Some high, some low. I've noticed if your bets are all of the same number or majority the same(2.222223, 3.33324333, 1.1112211131 example bet)  then you have better luck.. atleast I do.. 


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